Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Teachtoday - a new website about internet and mobile safety

There’s lots of information about internet and mobile safety on the Web already, now the Teachtoday website has been set up to provide a single place that answers some of the specific questions you might have as a teacher or other member of the school workforce - whether you’re teaching five year olds or 18 year olds; whether you’re an ICT expert or a complete beginner.

Teachtoday provides information and advice for teachers, head teachers, governors and other members of the school workforce about the positive, responsible and safe use of new technologies.

Teachtoday was developed by some of the UK’s leading internet, social networking and mobile companies - many of whom are involved in the UK Council for Child Internet Safety (UKCCIS) - in association with organisations including European Schoolnet, Becta, the teaching unions and the National Association of Head Teachers.

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