Friday, 26 March 2010

E-assessment and innovation

Appearing on the Becta Emerging Technologies website is an article introducing a report on E-assessment and innovation by John Winkley

It is described as an authoritative survey of a technology which, perhaps like virtual reality, has not come of age as quickly as expected.

A wide-ranging overview describes current and future applications of on-screen examinations, audio, text editing, adaptive assessment, games and simulations, short text answer marking, essay marking, spoken language marking, mathematics marking and voting devices.

John Winkley argues that e-assessment has potential to be transformational in developing the benefits of immediate results and improved feedback, interactivity and richness of ICT for more authentic assessment, e-assessment as an enabler of better assessment and as a democratising influence on the assessment process which also encompasses diversity.

You can read more and download the report from the Becta website.

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